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The citation is ambiguous. It may mean:

37 Stat. 63 (Pub. Res 62-25)

JOINT RESOLUTION To amend an Act entitled "An Act appropriating three hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the purpose of maintaining and protecting against impending floods the levees on the Mississippi River," approved April third, nineteen hundred and twelve. April 9, 1912 631

You can view this U.S. Statutes at Large citation at these source(s):



37 Stat. 539 (Pub. Law 62-336)

AN ACT Making appropriations for the service of the Post Office Department for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, and for other purposes. August 24, 1912 539

You can view this U.S. Statutes at Large citation at these source(s):

37 Stat. 539

U.S. Statutes at Large



We also found 1 parallel citation:

Pub. L. 62-336

U.S. Law

37 Stat. 518 (Pub. Law 62-335)

AN ACT Making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, and for other purposes, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen. August 24, 1912 518

You can view this U.S. Statutes at Large citation at these source(s):

37 Stat. 518

U.S. Statutes at Large



We also found 1 parallel citation:

Pub. L. 62-335

U.S. Law